Henge, Kaibyo, Yokai


You have no idea how many times I’ve heard (or even seen) of stories where cats have human-like behaviours, such as playing the piano and standing on their hind legs. Just type “cats” in your YouTube search and you’ll see thousands of videos about these human performances.

But what interests me is a story from Tokyo about a high schooler who claims to have caught her calico cat prancing about, wearing her blue-striped panties with a towel on its head. It is unmistakable that the feline is no ordinary cat. It is a yokai locally known as the Bakeneko.

Supernatural Creatures

Cats are naturally supernatural creatures. Did you not notice how they are always watching us and acting cute? They are quietly learning how to be less feline and more human. Cats, that age beyond its lifespan of 12-13 years,  have been known evolve into  a bakeneko. Once evolved, they gain preternatural powers such as bewitching and shape-shifting.

Inititally, they can morph into human form with feline features such as facial fur and whiskers for an hour or so. But over time, these uncanny powers grow stronger and lasts longer. Malevolent bakeneko has been documented to replace their owners permanently! Haven’t you wondered why that cat lady looks so much like her cats?

Forgotten Tales

I’ve read old stories of a great and ancient bakeneko that had lived in a family for many generations. When its true identity was discovered, it increased its size to that of a house and went on a rampage. It killed the whole household and everyone else in the village. It was finally brought down by the feudal lord’s retinue of samurai.

So, how do you know that the cat that is watching you now is not a bakeneko? The telltale, bakeneko has exceptionally long tail. Long ago, a grandmotherly figure told me, “The longer the tail, the older the bakeneko, the stronger its power.” Now, that you mention this, that wise woman does have a feline grace to her.


Yokai Details

  • name: bakeneko (bah-keh-neh-koh)
  • kanji: 化け猫 (ばけねこ)
  • meaning: changing cat or transforming cat
  • abilities:
    1. metamorph — shape-shift into any human of any age
    2. mass alteration — change its mass and size at will
    3. tactile hypnosis — change the perception of anyone it touches
    4. super agility — able to effortlessly dodge any attacks
    5. hyper senses — possess acute sense of smell and hearing
    6. longevity — able to prolong its natural lifespan


Welcome to my humble blog! In a few pages, you will begin to see my colourful portrayal of various monsters and supernaturals across Japan 🇯🇵.  Together we will explore and discover the diverse members of the yokai family from the popular to the strange, from the enchanted to the elusive. Included inside are also many books on or related to yokai, that I have enjoyed reading and used for my yokai research here.

I will also share my travels around Japan that locations are associated to one yokai or another. So please join me, as I begin this journey into the wierd wierd world of yokai.

Yours truly,
Josef Sha