Josei, Yokai

A woman's second mouth opens at the back of her head. Futakuchi-onna, the compulsive secret eater.

Recently, I met a sweet Japanese lady at a blind date. I noticed that she hardly touched her food. She kept saying she was on a diet but something was off about that. I thought nothing of it until now. Incidentally, my experience is similar to the story of today’s yokai. My blind date reminds me of futakuchi-onna, the compulsive secret eater.

According to Japanese folklore, there was a stingy miser married his wife because she never ate anything. Everyday she would cook for him but she never ate. And yet, his storage of rice was dwindling much more than usual. One day, the miser decided to spy on his wife to investigate.

Initially, everything looked normal. But as she was preparing for a meal for the miser, the horror unfolded. The wife’s hair parted of its own accord to reveal a mouth with multiple rows of teeth. Subsequently, her hair grabbed raw rice grains and stuffed it into the second mouth. Aghast with the revelation, the miser went mad and ran towards his wife. He raised his axe and struck his wife shouting, “Futakuchi! Futakuchi-onna.”

Another Story

Conversely, the futakuchi-onna story is very different in Shimosa (now Chiba prefecture). It began with a young daughter who lived alone with his father. Initially, the step-mother was caring and kind to both of them. However, after she had a daughter of her own, the step-mother became selfish and greedy. Gradually she fattens her own daughter while starving the other. Eventually the step-daughter died of hunger.

49 days later, while the husband was chopping firewood, he accidentally struck his wife. Although the cut was small, it festered over time. Eventually, the wound formed lips and her skull protruded into teeth. Although it was ache at times, feeding the second mouth rice eases the pain. But after every feed, the mouth spoke, ” I killed my step-daughter. I am mistaken.”


Interestingly, futakuchi-onna is similar to other female yokai such as rokurokubi, nure-onago and yuki-onna. Female yokai transformed by a horrific curse or supernatural disease. Even if futakuchi-onna was a compulsive secret eater, there was no reason to kill her, yokai or not. Nonetheless, these tales also reveal and underline stories of spousal abuse in olden times.


Yokai Details

  • name: futakuchi-onna ( foo-tah-koo-chi-on-nah )
  • kanji: 二口女 (ふたくちおんな)
  • meaning: two-mouthed woman
  • abilities:
    1. hair manipulation — the ability to control and use her hair as extra limbs
Kaiju, Others, Yokai

A single-eyed horse head hangs from a tree

Walking on lonely roads at night is unnerving. Especially in less urban areas, where there are more trees than streetlights. Even more so, in Okayama Prefecture, where a yokai dangles from the trees. It is named sagari, the horse head hanger.

In the past, my grandma always advised me before I leave for school. Among all her advice, there is one caution I always adhere to. “At night, always look forward. Never look up.” Undoubtedly, sagari is one of the reasons for this warning.Unlike dorotabo that strikes from the fields, sagari assaults from the trees. This bizarre one-eyed yokai appears as a horse head from the neck onward. Similar to a bat, it hangs up side down from the trees. But instead, sagari clings to the lower branches with its intestines. If you look closely enough, you can even see the entrails writhing around the tree.

Strange Behaviour

Fortunately, you can easily avoid sagari, the horse head hanger. But only if you are paying attention to your surroundings. Firstly, the horse yokai prefers an enoki tree (エノキの木). The older the tree, the more likely a sagari dwells there. So, take notice of the trees planted along the routes you commonly use.

Secondly, sagari bawls an unearthly cry when it senses humans nearby. The dangling yokai lets out an eerie whinny to warn and threaten all creatures nearby. But, more importantly, if the cries stop, it means that the sagari is very, very close. It is within striking distance. Just gather your courage and move forward. As long as you do not make eye contact, it will not attack and your life is spared.

Nonetheless, it is still unsafe for you to look at sagari from afar. Those who have made eye contact has suffered high fever and cold chills, at the same time. Best to just ignore it and let sagari be.


Yokai Details

  • name: sagari ( sah-gah-ree )
  • kanji: さがり
  • meaning: hanging down
  • abilities:
    1. pyrexia — give an individual severe fever
    2. body manipulation — elongates its appendages and “limbs”