Henge, Yokai

Shirime, Nothing Butt an Eye

Japan has countless stories with weird and peculiar yokai. But, nothing is stranger in its simplicity than this one. Shirime is nothing butt an eye (puns intended). This faceless yokai is made famous by the creator of GeGeGe no Kitaro, Mizuki Shigeru (水木 しげる).

As the legend goes, a samurai was returning late one night. Suddenly, a man wearing a kimono blocked the warrior’s path. Alerted, the fearless samurai shouted at the strange man. “What do you want?”

Unexpectedly, the silent man stripped off his kimono and bent over. Delberately, he raised his butt towards the samurai. Then, a huge eyeball peeped out of the anus. From that same rear, a bizarre light radiated. Horrified, the samurai screamed and fled in fright.

Only Known Source

Shirime is only mentioned in one ancient source, “Buson’s Yokai Picture Scroll” (蕪村妖怪絵巻). Yosa Buson (与謝蕪村), painted the yokai with a brief description “the bald nopperabo of Kyoto’s Katabiragatsuji”. In turn, this ties to the illustrated Katabiragatsuji (帷子辻) in Ehon Hyaku Monogatari (絵本百物語) by Tosanjin Yawa.

Based on this source, many experts believe that shirime is a form of nopperabo, the faceless yokai. On the other hand, they could be shape-changing creatures such as the mujina, kitsune or tanuki. All of which loves to play mischievous pranks on the locals, as much as kijimuna. Nonetheless, shirime is nothing butt an eye.

Final thoughts

Personally, shirime deserves to be in a class of its own. From his voyeuristic nature to his cheeky behaviour (more puns intended), he is one to behold. Shirime is a testament to Japan’s affinity to the weird and bizarre. Although, if you do travel to Kyoto, keep an eye out for it (last one, I promise).


Yokai Details

  • name: shirime ( she-ree-meh )
  • kanji: 尻目 ( しりめ )
  • meaning: buttocks’ eye
  • abilities:
    1. light generation — create photons of light
    2. fear projection — cause fear and/or terror on an individual
Suijin, Yokai

Three legged mermaid rising from the water.

It is March 2020 and a global pandemic is declared. The number of Covid-19 (Coronavirus Disease) cases have reached 0.2 million. Additionally, the Japanese government is doing everything it can to curb the outbreak across Japan. Interestingly, the popularity of a healing yokai is also on the rise. Draw Amabie. Share it on social media. Fight and beat the Coronavirus disease.

Origin of Amabie

While the ningyo is popular in Japanese culture, Amabie is hidden in the annals of an Edo-period newspaper. The story begins with an object glowing red off the coast of Higo Province (Kumamoto Prefecture). After many nights of the eerie glow, a town official finally decided to investigate on boat. Suddenly, the scaly yokai appeared out of the waves and approached him. The creature identified itself as Amabie and said,

Good harvest will continue for six years from the current year; if disease spreads, show a picture of me to those who fall ill and they will be cured.

Nagano, Eishun (長野栄俊) (2005), “Yogenjū amabiko—amabiko wo tegakari ni” 予言獣アマビコ考—「海彦」をてがかりにJakuetsu Kyōdoshi Kenkyū (若越郷土研究)49 (2): 1–30, archived from the original (PDF) on 2016-08-16, retrieved 2016-06-29

Subsequently, Amabie returned to the sea. The official rushed back to shore and shared his tale. The story was printed and spread on kawaraban.

Wood-block print of Amabie


Accordingly, town official created a sketch to describe Amabie. The “mermaid” has long hair and is scaly from neck down. Additionally, the suijin is three-legged and has a bird’s bill. Although the description is brief, it is enough to spark interest in many artist to draw the fortune-telling yokai.

Sharing is Caring

Recently, there are thousands of interpretations of Amabie on social media. And the number is still growing. In fact, it is important to draw Amabie in our pandemic times. We have to share the legend. Join us in the fight against Coronavirus disease. Please, spread the image of Amabie as a reminder to wash your hands thoroughly. Also, remember social distancing.


Yokai Details

  • name: amabie ( ah-mah-bee-eh )
  • kanji: アマビエ
  • meaning: none
  • abilities:
    1. precognition — able to see the future
    2. disease nullification — stop any disease from spreading
Kaibyo, Mamono, Yokai

Kasha floating in flames

Today is Friday the thirteenth. A day of misfortune and tragedy. In a time when the pandemic Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) spreads rampant across the world. Similarly, today’s yokai, Kasha, infects Japanese people with fear and terror. It is the ultimate corpse thief. The demonic cat that robs funerals and bring the dead to hell.

Ancient oral tales, about hellish kasha, are passed down over many generations. Stories all across Japan tell of the feline yokai appearing suddenly with lightning and rain. And yet, it is engulfed by infernal flames. Pouncing from the sky, snatching up the sinful dead and returning to the nether side of hell.

Changing Forms

Interestingly enough, these stories does not really describe the kasha in great detail. Early Japan artists depict it as a great red oni pulling a fiery cart full of corpses. This illustration reminds me of wanyudo, aka the Soultaker, also an infernal being that terrorises the residents of Kyoto.

But more commonly, kasha is identified as a hellish yokai with cat-like features. A supernatural kaibyo who carries a rotting corpse across the roof tops. This is striking similar to nekomata, a ferocious feline yokai that have an affinity to the dying and the dead. In fact, some experts believe kasha is an evolved form of nekomata.

Also the Graverobber

When dark ominous clouds appear during a funeral procession, a kasha is bound to strike at the corpse of the wicked man. Together with fearsome winds, the great feline pounces at the coffin. Then it drags out the sinful dead and steals it away. Some tales, describe the kasha desecrating the corpse by tearing it into many pieces. Then it scatters the limbs all over the region, among tall trees, jagged rocks and cliff edges.

Alternatively, there are eye-witness accounts of the feline yokai digging into the grave of the sinful. It abducts the dead body and crushes the skull and bones without mercy. As such some graverobber activities are attributed to the kasha, especially those with missing corpses.

Rituals and Protection

Nonetheless, the dead can be protected from these infernal creatures. A venerable monk could say a holy prayer or sign his protective seal on the coffin. Additionally, at desperate times, he can throw his onenju (念珠) at the coffin providing an extra barrier against the kasha.

If there are no monks or rosaries nearby, just run away flinging your hands around animatedly. So that, the kasha do not mistake you for the dead corpse. Better the dead wicked man than you.


Yokai Details

  • name: kasha ( kah-sha )
  • kanji: 火車 ( かしゃ )
  • meaning: fire cart
  • abilities:
    1. pyrokinesis — generate extreme heat and produce fire
    2. weather control — incite dark storms and strong wind
    3. flight — ability to fly (via weather control)
Josei, Mamono, Yokai

Jorogumo With Her Big Butt

Do you remember that girlfriend who wants to go wherever you go? Or one who wants to do all the things you are doing? Or maybe, you have met the clingy girl who binds herself to her partner’s hand and shoulder. Well, none of these girls can compare to today’s yokai, Jorogumo. This female arachnid from hell will have you for dinner (as in, you are dinner).

Notably, there are many different arachnid yokai such as the Ushi-oni & Tsuhigumo. But, none of them are as prevalent in game & pop culture as Jorogumo. Stories about these shape-shifting female yokai have been passed down orally in ancient Japanese folklore for centuries. In fact some are written about in Edo perido writings, such as Taihei-Hyaku Monogatari (太平百物語) and Tonoigusa (宿直草).

Toriyama Sekien’s Depiction

Interestingly, in Toriyama Sekien‘s Gazu Hyakki Yagyō, in the entry about Jorogumo (絡新婦) the name is written as “entangling bride”. On the other hand, the content page has the common characters (女郎ぐも) which roughly reads as “whore spider”. Experts say that this is a play of words of kanji pronunciation known as jukujikun (熟字訓). Personally, I believe that the difference alludes to the yokai’s ability to shape shift from spider to woman and somewhere in between.

As seen in the entry of Jorogumo, the yokai is drawn as a humanoid arachnid dressed in a kimono of spiderwebs. She is depicted standing on a sakura tree casting lines of spider silk into the wind. At the end of each web-line is a spiderling that is, seemingly, breathing out vapours of fire or venom.

Legends & Folklore

The Japanese folklore about Jorogumo shows that she usually live at or near waterfalls. The yokai would prey on the creatures that stop by the waterfall basin to drink or simply rest by it. Once her prey’s defenses are down, Jorogumo would cast her web and pull her victim into the falls. In fact, her spider silk is strong enough to pull a resisting wild boar into her lair easily.

However, there are also stories of Jorogumo seducing young men to their death in the falls. Firstly, the spider yokai will transform into an attractive woman dressed in seductive kimono within view of the victim. Next, she secretes sensual pheromones and draws out the lecherous desires of men. When the horny young man is within range, she casts her sticky spider thread. Once bound, Jorogumo easily draws her recently caught meal into the waterfall to dine on later (or even, feed her baby spiderlings).

Modern Accounts

Recently, there are hardly any new stories on or about Jorogumo. Most contemporary accounts are fictional depictions seen in manga, anime and games such as Nioh and Yo-kai Watch. Many speculate that the number of Jorogumo has drastically reduce due to modernisation and deforestation. As such, the number of waterfall-related deaths has also dropped.

However, some experts believe that there are caches of Jorogumo egg sacs hidden behind large waterfalls. All of them waiting for the opportune time to hatch and infest the world.

Nonetheless, be careful when you decide to swim in the rivers and water basin this summer. If you meet a beautiful lady in sexy bikini with spider prints by the waterfall remember the Jorogumo. She will be the clingy girlfriend from hell. You have been warned!


Yokai Details

  • name: jorōgumo ( joh-row-goo-moh )
  • kanji: 絡新婦 ( じょろうぐも )
  • meaning: entangling bride
  • abilities:
    1. web producer — generate spider silk for hunting & mating
    2. metamorph — able to shape-shift from spider to woman, partially or wholly
    3. pheromone manipulation — secretes pheromones to induce attraction and pleasure