Suijin, Tsukumogami, Yokai

kameosa provides for its human companion

There are hundreds of tsukumogami (付喪神)around Japan and most of them are vile and malignant. But today’s yokai is one of the very few yokai that is friendly, benevolent even. This charitable yokai called Kameosa, provides for its human companions.

Not many articles are available concerning kameosa or about its origin. Most illustrations show an earthenware pot or jug that continually pours out water or sake (Japanese rice wine). Many yokai enthusiasts believe that kameosa evolved from an earthenware crock that has been cared for, probably by sake brewers and over many generations. After a hundred years or more, the sake jug changed into a tsukumogami that never runs out of water, or sake, to show appreciation to its owners.

Others believe that a benign water, or river, god resides within kameosa and continually provides spiritual water like a spring source. This would make the kameosa more Suijin (水神) than tsukumogami. Nonetheless, there is insufficient documents and evidence regarding this yokai to truly identify its true nature.

In any case, there is a good moral that can be taken out of the kameosa. If you take good care of an item or person over the years, you will receive your reward multiple folds. So treasure and atttend to your family heirloom, you may just change into a tsukumogami that benefits you in return.


Yokai Details

  • name: kameosa (kah-mee-oh-sah)
  • kanji: 瓶長 (かめおさ)
  • meaning: crock elder
  • aka:
    • kameosa (甌長)
    • kameosa (甕長)
  • abilities:
    1. hydrokinesis  — manipulate & generate water or sake